"Told you this was the best place on earth, even if it is not your colours on the field"
"This way I can mock you live" she laughed full on "Well, I'll whisper it on your ear. I don't want to get beat up in here"
He stared at her with the cocky grin that she loved on his face.
"Do that, I'll give you a good old spanking to teach you to respect the great ones"
"Yeah, right! Promises!"
She had nothing better to do, so she joined. She always did have a good time when with Charlie.
Izzy always wondered how it would be like to actually have a go with him, but the notion of how it could ruin the most amazing relationship between them always stoped her. Charlie was a goof even though he claimed the same, she had always doubted that he would actually make a move.
She was bored so why not push him a bit harder, she knew his triggers due to years of open discussions about sex. They could handle a hook up and none of them was "busy" relationship wise.
"You are still to explain to me why in the earth you decide to come in a flowy skirt to a match full of machos high on testosterone."
"Easy access, off course! You never know... I see a couple of cute guys around... and girls."
She winked at Charlie and he measured exactly how much skirt there was covering her big butt. Izzy was a full on woman and he would so get lost on those curves. She didn't even realize that her size could never hide the sexy mind and sensuality that made her one of a kind.
"You are one wind-blow away from showing of your thong in here with that skirt."
She looked him in the eye and gave him her best naughty smile before leaning in close enough to smell his yummy perfum and whisper in his ear.
"That is not a problem, you see. I am not wearing any, let me show you..."
He stood very still for a moment before composing himself and uttering in a hard voice.
"Don't say that again or I'll rip off that skirt of yours."
She laughed and held her hand out to him.
"Come with me, I think I saw a hiding place over there."
"I know this place like the back of my hand, there are no hiding places, just places less in sight..."
"Is that a problem? I swear I don't bite."
"What are you doing Izzy, are you sure of what you are starting here?"
She carried on with the light kisses while saying the honest words that she always seemed to be able to speak, no matter how hard they were to say.
"I've always... imagined... how it would... be... to taste you. Today... I'm finding out..."
She ran her tongue teasingly between her lips on his neck, making him shiver and finally place his arms around her waist.
They kiss each other's faces teasingly, taking turns, teasing the skin with parted lips and the tips of their tongues, taking their time with a silly child like game. She stops and stares into his big brown eyes and leans in to reach for more. She kisses him for the first time and tastes his mouth in hers and lets out a small pleasure sound as their tongues begin to dance in synch.
His hands slide over her ass, feeling how it fills his hands and she presses herself more against him, holding his face between her hands. She caresses his neck and allows her hands to wonder to his hair, while their lips merge without coming out for air, drowning in each other hungrily.
His hands wander from her ass to her thighs and hesitate before wandering any further under her skirt. She parts their kisses to look him in the eye and guide one of his hands to explore between her thighs. At the feel of his fingers in her shaved bare labia, she gasps for air and smiles nervously.
"See... no panties today."
The moist already growing on her sweet spot goes into his fingers as he starts playing with her, very gently. He smiles his cocky grin and brings up his fingers to taste, before guiding them back to where they came from and giving her a taste of herself from his lips.
"Izzy... we really should consider another location. I am two seconds away from ripping off the rest of your clothes..."
She heard the ringing sound getting louder and louder. She tried to stretch her arm to capture the demonic device that was pushing her away from the most awesome dream she had in months.
Grumpily she sat on the bed and silenced the alarm.
"Damn it Izzy... What the hell was that dream about? But damn..."
A sound of a text rings on her phone, she grabs it and read it on the screen.
Charlie: You're late. Do I need to join you or are you getting your sexy ass over here?