Friday, October 25, 2013

Longings and Loathings - Chapter 12

She felt herself hit the ground hard, she tried to stand but she was quickly overpowered by her attackers.
She felt the moment her skirt was violently ripped apart and the weight over her sore legs.
Her knees burned from the injuries caused by the several falls from her attempts of escape. Sweat prickled all over her skin and glued her thin shirt to her body.
She felt the burning tears escape from her eyes but held any sound possible, any sign of her pain only made them laugh harder, hit her body harder and be even more exquisite on the tortures they decided to inflict.

Her panties followed the skirt, making her groan from its ripping. She prepared herself to become numb, to hide somehow inside her own mind and be absent from what she knew was sure to follow.
She heard them argue about who would be the first and waited.

One of them pushed two fingers inside her vagina and said something that caused the other to laugh, but she no longer heard the words, she was slowly evading, going to a place where no one could hurt her but then she felt the grip on her long hair and sting of pain it caused, making her unable to hold a sound of pain to escape her throat.

It was their go sign...

They repositioned themselves and while one stood over her preparing to enter her from behind, the other moved to stand in front of her. The smell of dirty cock and urine caused her to gag provoking only more enjoyment to her attackers.

"Eat it bitch. If you bite it, I'll kill you."

She opened her mouth and tried to hold the gagging effect the smell provoked her while he shoved his cock down her throat. She barely moved, simply held her mouth open and tried to control her breathing. He thrusted and thrusted while tears kept running down her face.
The other attacker didn't take long to want his share and forced himself inside her ass with a violence she was sure something must have ripped inside of her.

All she felt now was pain, shame and hate.

It was the hate that kept her awake, that kept her enduring the violation of her body and the small hope and desire of revenge if it was ever in her reach in the future, if she survived, if she was still able to pick out the pieces of her that were being torn, if she ever was able to become herself once again.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Bits and Pieces - Sleeping lines

I can't stop staring at the lines, your lines...
Your peaceful lines of your sleeping expression.
The sound of your steady breathing hypnotizes me...

I can't help but stare, I hold myself from giving in to the desire of touching you, afraid of disturbing your sleep.

I feel so powerless, so addicted to simply sitting by your side and hearing you breathing, just staring at your lines...

Sometimes I feel like I am not here, that I'm just a silent ghost watching you, hoping one day you will sit and stare at me, just stay there hearing me breathing while I sleep... Just as I do.

Maybe I am just crazy, insane, for feeling the way that I do...
But all I know is that now all I want is to watch you, watch your lines and simply hear you breathe next to me.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Longings and Loathings - Chapter 11

Apetece-me despir-te cada peça de roupa num deslizar suave como uma pena a acariciar a tua pele... Deixar-te quase como vieste ao mundo, sem medos, vergonhas, sem hesitação ou timidez.

Vejo como estremeces levemente e imediatamente aquele sorriso com requintes de malvadez que tão bem conheces apodera-se de mim enquanto te encaminho para a poltrona. Observas  impávido e sereno, reagindo apenas quando me debruço sobre ti apoiada nos braços da poltrona e te roubo um beijo com tantas palavras e desejos por expressar. 

É nesse momento que te sinto puxar-me mais para ti e as tuas mãos a repousar no fundo das minhas costas de inicio e depois a viajar suavemente para as minhas nádegas.

Deixo-me permanecer deste modo por uns momentos, ondulando o meu corpo contra o teu enquanto os beijos ficam mais profundos, mais intensos, os olhos mais brilhantes, as respirações mais aceleradas e a luxúria começa a apoderar-se de nós.

Afasto-me lentamente nunca perdendo os teus olhos dos meus e o sorriso maroto vem aos meus lábios novamente.  Sento-me na pequena mesa mesmo em frente a ti e deixo que uma melodia encha a sala, fecho os olhos e mexo-me lentamente ao ritmo de cada batida. Ouve-se Tito &Tarantula e a sua “After Dark” envolve-me, conduz o meu corpo enquanto me movimento  para ti, levantando o delicado vestido sobre a minha cabeça até sobrar apenas a lingerie preta rendada, as meias e os sapatos de verniz preto brilhante.

Componho a liga como que em câmara lenta, passo as mãos pelo comprimento da minha perna antes de me erguer e continuar com o lento balançar encantado pela guitarra que soa no fundo. Não te olho, mas sinto o teu olhar queimar na minha pele, a seguir os movimentos das minhas mãos que percorrem o meu corpo enrubescido, a seguir o movimento da minha anca enquanto rodo sobre mim mesma até ficar de costas para ti. 

Sinto-te perto, sei que não demoras a vir colocar os teus braços e mãos no corpo que grita por ti, puxas-me contra ti e empino o rabo contra o teu sexo que sinto já orgulhoso assente contra o meu rabo. Sinto-te beijar o meu pescoço, provocas-me com a ponta da tua língua e mordes como sabes que gosto e o gemido que solto pede por mais. Não paras mas passas para o lóbulo do meu ouvido e o meu corpo arqueia-se contra o teu enquanto te sinto brincar com o elástico da pequena tanga até rebentá-lo desnudando o meu sexo e a doce tortura na minha orelha a deixar-me ofegante. Sabes exactamente que botões pressionar em mim. 

Afasto-me de ti, pego na tua mão e começo a conduzir-te para o quarto. Olho-te por cima do ombro, sorrio para ti e mordo o lábio quando vejo nos teus olhos que me desejas tanto como te desejo. 


Não são necessárias mais palavras.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Khira Chronicles - The redemption of Eleannor


Mixed feelings built inside of Khira for having her mother standing right in front of her after such a long search.
She slowly took in her wounds, the emaciated look on her skin showing just how little she had fed for some time, weeks or maybe even months. She watched how Frederick gravitated around her in a protective stance and how much his expression still showed the love he had for her.
She opened her lips to say something and all that came out was a hoarse voice adding to Khira's suspicion of her mother being underfed.

"Eleannor, you should not try to speak just now. First you need to feed and rest, then there will be time for you girls to discuss whatever needs to be discussed." said Frederick while almost giving in to caress Eleannor hair falling down her shoulders.

Khira was lost for words, she felt anger for the woman who had casted her out and still all she wanted was to hold her and make whoever wounded her so severely pay for every scratch.

"Who did this?" she was able to ask while trying to collect herself from giving in to the sanguinary impulses that gave her the name she hated to be called.

Frederick hesitated and stared from Morgan to Eleannor as if looking for guidance. He was clearly nervous about whatever he was going to say and the anger inside Khira only stirred even more.

"Who?" She spoke with a growling tone added to her voice, unable to hide the animalistic urges and violence creeping into her blood every time her eyes headed on her mothers injuries direction. "Do not tempt me, I am not called the Sculptress for no reason..."

Eleannor cringed and mumbled the last word she had been waiting to hear "Mutts".

Morgan laughed loudly causing every one in that room to stare at her and started pacing in front of the door with a very sarcastic grin on face.

"So the mighty Eleannor Kiergarten, ruler of the pure casts of vampire and leader of the Elder council was trapped and defeated by wolves?" Morgan laughed one more time leaving them all confused. "That means war, daddy Fred... You know it means war."

"Morgan, it means retaliation not war. Calm down your hatred and blood thirst" Frederick said.

Khira growled and pressed her fangs together so hard it was hearable. She moved closer to Eleannor and kneeled at her feet before taking her pale hand into hers.

"Mother, I do not love you but in some way I do not hate you as well. I may never forgive you for giving me away and casting my out but not because of power, but because you refused me of being raised by you as my mother and giving me the love all children crave..." Her voice grew a bit hoarse, she licked her bleeding gums and continued. "But nevertheless, you are my mother and I will kill whoever did this to you."

Frederick moved in front of them with a concerned look on his face.

"You can't. Not now... Your mother is in enough danger as it is by being here. Queen Eunice will not like to know that official royalty is in her domain. Fragile as she is now Khira, she can't be left unattended and your blood is hers, it will work much faster than mine or Morgan's."

"Two days and I'll go hunt them down."
"I casted you out... to keep... you... safe... from the court. I promise I will explain... Thank you Khira, I do not deserve your vengeance or help. You are kind..."

"Not thanks to your guidance and teachings." Snarky Morgan spoke before leaving the room. "These people make me sick. I'll do all the hard work. " And with that she took off to find the warehouse where Eleannor had been trapped.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Bits and Pieces - A man who compels my strength

with a deeper instinct choose a man who compels my strength,
who makes enormous demands of me,
who does not doubt my courage or my toughness,
who does not believe me naive or innocent,
who has the courage to treat me like a woman."

Anais Nin

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Bits and Pieces - Thoughts about Pablo Neruda (in PT)

Quem me conhece bem sabe que sou uma romântica incurável.
Apesar de ser uma mulher independente e do século XXI, que vejo a ideia da supremacia masculina como a mentira mais bem contada e disfarçada da história, não deixo de apreciar os gestos de romantismo "old school".
Todo o meu fascínio pelo "Drácula" de Bram Stoker passa um pouco por aí.
Gosto da ideia de ser seduzida, que me ofereçam flores, me levem a ver um pôr-do-sol, que me cantem ao ouvido ou sussurrem coisas bonitas, que me surpreendam com as coisas mais simples e banais mas que demonstram afecto e carinho.
Durona sim, mas não deixo de ser mulher mesmo que seja com a "sensibilidade de um calhau", expressão muito popular na minha boca desde que me lembro.

Talvez com a idade esteja a ficar mais "soft", dou por mim a mudar e onde estava a destemida Sofia às vezes encontro uma assustada Ana. Talvez por isso me sinta mais sensível do que era antes.
Mas esta intro toda porquê? Já vai fazer sentido.

Em conversa com uma amiga surgiu o tema "Pablo Neruda" e causou uma enorme surpresa o facto de eu nunca ter lido de forma aprofundada a obra deste senhor.
Tendo eu uma forte veia de romantismo gótico como é que era possível que assim fosse.
Na altura não respondi mas tentarei explicar agora.

O meu caro amigo Pablo fala de amor como eu percepciono o amor e lê-lo na fase mais "emo" da minha vida seria impensável. Vivia demasiado absorvida pelo meu próprio sofrimento e mágoa, quase como se fosse uma droga que me alimentava o espírito criativo de uma forma egoísta e egocêntrica.
Agora já consigo lê-lo e apreciar, deixar-me comover com as belas palavras que escreve.

Deixo convosco dois dos seus trabalhos o primeiro entitulado "Saudade" e o segundo "Quero-te Apenas Porque a Ti Eu Quero".

Espero que gostem e deixem-se levar pelo sentimento que ele expressa.


Saudade é solidão acompanhada,
é quando o amor ainda não foi embora,
mas o amado já...

Saudade é amar um passado que ainda não passou,
é recusar um presente que nos machuca,
é não ver o futuro que nos convida...

Saudade é sentir que existe o que não existe mais...

Saudade é o inferno dos que perderam,
é a dor dos que ficaram para trás,
é o gosto de morte na boca dos que continuam...

Só uma pessoa no mundo deseja sentir saudade:
aquela que nunca amou.

E esse é o maior dos sofrimentos:
não ter por quem sentir saudades,
passar pela vida e não viver.

O maior dos sofrimentos é nunca ter sofrido.

Quero-te Apenas Porque a Ti Eu Quero

Não te quero senão porque te quero
e de querer-te a não querer-te chego
e de esperar-te quando não te espero
passa meu coração do frio ao fogo.

Quero-te apenas porque a ti eu quero,
a ti odeio sem fim e, odiando-te, te suplico,
e a medida do meu amor viajante
é não ver-te e amar-te como um cego.

Consumirá talvez a luz de Janeiro,
o seu raio cruel, meu coração inteiro,
roubando-me a chave do sossego.

Nesta história apenas eu morro
e morrerei de amor porque te quero,
porque te quero, amor, a sangue e fogo.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Bits and Pieces - Elements

Step by step I feel it creep inside my skin, shred my bones to ash as the righteous hammer of destiny. 

Hard, frozen, blown and burning, all at the same time consuming the pieces that try to hang on to my lost soul, the pieces that keep me trapped in a cruel vicious loop of fear and defeat.

I kneel with my knees buried in the soft earth. It holds me down and caresses me, soothes the scarred knees of the wounds inflicted by lost passions, dreams and desires.

The rain comes and carries away the stains of blood lingering in my emaciated skin, washes away all the disease and putrid remains of your lies and misdirections given to me in the maze that was my love for the idea of you.

I feel it now… I am so close now. I feel it brush my skin and drag my hair in its steady blow, so fresh and perfumed by the scents of a new world out there. The mix of sea breeze with green grass fields  and wet dirt. The perfume of freedom so close now, that it is almost palpable.

I see it now as it starts to consume me… I see them spread as they are lit by the warm flames… I smell burning pine and cinnamon, red is all I see now. 

The shell is falling, my limbs so light and gracious once again. 
I hear violins and the song they sing for me. A song of earth, water, wind and fire, my requiem…

I am reborn, I am free, my light burns brighter and warmer now as I spread my wings and fly into infinity with a wicked smile on my lips and bright eyes full of wonder for the things I had once forgot.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Longings and Loathings - Chapter 10

They were both hungry for something...
The single brush of skin on skin caused lust to arise within their eyes.
There was the unspoken promise of sharing dark secrets and hidden desires that made them both burn and tease each other.
A simple game of hunter and prey where there was no defined part.
They both gave in to make their hungers match and be sated.

They drank from each others bodies with their lavished tongues, they bit on their flesh imprinting their marks on the soft sweaty flesh and it was good.
The mix of sweat, blood and sex creating the most devilish and intoxicating perfume for their heightened senses.
Hands sliding along the damp skin, lips producing sighs and moans of pleasure, flesh against flesh in a daunting dance.
She took control and moved her body to cover his, sliding her lace underwear to the side to allow him entrance into her warm and wet core. She guided him in and slid herself down his full member before starting a slow rocking motion, teasing him more and more as pressed her inner muscles to engulf him even further, tightening herself around him.
His hands travelled her body choosing to lay on her voluptuous breasts, cupping them. The roughness of their touch making her nipples sensitive to the point of pain and exploding in sensation as he pinched them hard enough to make her cry out.
The slow place of her movements replaced by a frenzied ride to ecstasy almost too much for her to hold on to sanity.
He bent forward and where his fingers tortured before now laid his teeth, nibbling and sucking as if he could consume her and devour her whole.
Her hold on control torn to pieces as her ragged breaths and moans filled the four walls in which they stood. She claimed her pleasure selfishly and exploded of pleasure. The contraction of her inner muscles almost bringing him to his release but he wasn't done with her yet.
He placed his hands around her face and kissed her passionately, taunting her with the tip of his tongue before biting her lower lip causing yet another groan to escape from her throat.
He stared into her eyes and her flushed skin before grabbing her by the waist and turning her on her back.
He ran his hands up and down the soft skin of her back, digging his nails into her ass while he positioned himself behind her. Her juices running down her thighs, so slick that he entered her easily in one thrust and stopped there, feeling her tighten around him once again eager for more.
It didn't take long for her to start moving her hips against him but he wouldn't allow it. He firmly placed his hands on her hips holding her in place while she whimpered to feel him move, to feel him fuck her and make her surrender to him.
And then he began his thrusts, quick, hard and deep, he would take his pleasure of her like he enjoyed it the most. He penetrated her to the beat of an insane symphony while she grunted more and more, the intensity and the feelings building up in each move of his hip.
She lost herself in sensation once again and screamed of delight as his palm spanked her ass without mercy of warning. His hand so heavy that she almost lost her balance and fell against the soft pillow.
He stroke her with his hand over and over again until there was no more holding back and he came inside of her with a grunt while his nails pierced the flesh of her hips.

Then he collapsed on top of her still inside and started to kiss and nibble on her shoulders until they both surrendered to the exhaustion of their satiated bodies.
It wasn't love, it was raw and pure desire but on that moment there was no world, just them and lust.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Bits and Pieces - Anaïs Nin Quotes

There were always in me, two women at least, one woman desperate and bewildered, who felt she was drowning and another who would leap into a scene, as upon a stage, conceal her true emotions because they were weaknesses, helplessness, despair, and present to the world only a smile, an eagerness, curiosity, enthusiasm, interest.

"I, with a deeper instinct, choose a man who compels my strength, who makes enormous demands on me, who does not doubt my courage or my toughness, who does not believe me naive or innocent, who has the courage to treat me like a woman."

"Anxiety is love's greatest killer. It makes others feel as you might when a drowning man holds on to you. You want to save him, but you know he will strangle you with his panic."

Monday, May 20, 2013

Bits and Pieces - Hollow

Here I am again
Starting to freeze again
The warmth is slowly evading and I can't complain

My light is burning low
The fuel of my soul running low
How I wish I knew it would escape so slow

No more pain and no more joy
I no longer feel like a toy
No longer a puppet for the world to enjoy

I feel the void creeping over me
I am no longer a slave to that cruel destiny
I was cut loose from the trap you laid for me
No more illusions, no more fantasy

I felt it burn as I turned blue
Burned by the ice, it felt so untrue
Just like a lit cigarette stepped under your shoe

I tried so hard to never come undone
But I looked around and waited for anyone
To take my hand and show me someone

Desire and lust only left me numb
Hollow and shallow, deaf-and-dumb
Just an addiction to any breadcrumb

I feel the void creeping over me
I am no longer a slave to that cruel destiny
I was cut loose from the trap you laid for me
No more illusions, no more fantasy

The emptiness is my protection
I am tired of all the aggression
I know I can't take possession
Of the answer to my silly question...

Can you see me in the shadow?

I feel the void creeping over me
I am no longer a slave to that cruel destiny
I was cut loose from the trap you laid for me
No more illusions, no more fantasy
No more illusions, no more fantasy...
No more fantasy...

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Longings and Loathings - Chapter 9

His eyes fell on the door once again as the hour approached. It was not his first time that he indulged in the special practice but something about that time had him on edge.
He had heard about her reputation and skills, waiting for a woman like her made the confidence in himself shake, even if just a little.

He had been with several other partners, some young, some older, unexperienced and knowing and they all seemed to have left his bed fully pleased and awed with his shaft.
His appetites grew wilder as the time passed, he was growing bored of women who just wanted him to go down on them and to finish him off with the customary missionary position, not even the reverse one.

He was certain he could find one that fit most of his intimate desires, he just didn't care to go look for her. He also didn't want just one fulfilled night to then go out again and find a new girl the next day. That was his easy way of having a good time, without strings attached but dedicated enough to what he wanted.

A knock in the door broke him free of his thoughts. He stood up and walked to open it feeling a bit nervous and excited all over again. The moment before letting the woman in was always a thrill for him. Would she be blond, red or brunette? Would she be tall and model type or a gorgeous curvy temptress? He loved the mystery and the surprise of what would be on the other side of the door.

He opened the door and a deliciously rubenesque girl with pale blue eyes and chocolate brown hair looked at him straight in the eye.

"Good evening James."
"Please come in."
"Alison." She supplied.
"Cute name. Please make yourself comfortable Alison. I'll jump in the shower really quick and I'll be right back with you."

She entered the room and laid her bag on a small conformer nearby while he headed for his quick shower. As eager as he was, it was almost painful to walk away without a first taste of her lips but hygiene was imperative for him. He silently begged for her to join him, it would not be the first time he dismissed a girl for not doing so.

He laid his clothes neatly folded over the the toillet seat and stepped into the shower, turning the water on.
He had just applied the shower cream over his body when he heard the door opening and closing. He turned and there she was in all her naked glory.

"Would you mind if I join you?"

He slid the glass door open as a response and watched her luscious body move towards him. She slid her fingers over his chest and smiled.

"I love a clean shaved body, it shows that men care to please and on some it looks so much better."

He gave her another long look and smiled teasingly at her, allowing himself to touch her body for the first time, to touch her also fully shaved body.

"I agree, as much as I love that you share my habit."

He caressed her lower stomach and then shamelessly proceeded to explore her folds gently. She smiled at him for his boldness and comfortable stance, starting to return his attentions on her body by using her hands to tease his already half hard manhood, leaning forward to capture his nipples with her lips while her tongue teased them until they were erect. He wanted her and so he decided to take her right there for round one. 

He turned her and pushed her against the wall, making room for himself by parting her legs with his knee. She pushed her round ass out to rub against his manhood pushing his arousal just a bit further, making him hesitate no further and press forward to penetrate her from behind. It wasn't sensous, it was pure and raw desire, just a fast and hard fuck to take the edge off before more exquisite activities could take place.

Her ragged breaths gave away how close she way to completion but he wasn't willing to let her give in just yet. He slowly redrew himself from inside of her making her whimper. 

"Oh baby girl, not just yet..." 

She composed her flushed body and gave him a snarky smile, the confident look in her eyes and the self-assurance was overwhelming for him and when she pronounced the next words in a smooth sultry tone of voice something in him was lit on fire.

"We'll see about that..."


The hours passed by so quickly, he felt exhausted and even though there was nothing he could do to make her stay, he wanted to cuddle her, spoon with her and have a well satisfied sleep. But he couldn't have that. That's why he resorted to this solution over and over again in the first place, no attachment, just lust and satisfaction. 
In a drowsy voice he called her to sit beside his naked body.

"Thank you, Alison. I hope we can meet again."
"Honey, I am afraid that will not be possible."
"Why not?" he retorted.
"Because this... all of this that you create here... It's not what I want. You want sex and that I can give you, but you can't speak the way you do and expect a girl to keep it all just as sex. So goodbye honey and do yourself a favor, stop running as soon as possible. 'Cause when you do, it may be too late, just like it was for me."

She smiled, picked up the envelope in the table and left the room, leaving him with an awed expression. 

"What the hell does that even mean..." 

He knew. 
He couldn't accept it yet, but he knew.

"Damn women..."

Friday, May 3, 2013

Bits and Pieces - Eternity unlocked

It always starts as a joke, a simple game of minds.
But nothing is really that simple or stays simple

Between the lines I could read you oh so well, though the stroke of your pen told a different story.
I wrote my tale of serendipity and naive happiness, but you read it all wrong.
Soon the games of innocent play became harder and harder to keep up with,
the much dreaded emotions crawled in and tore us apart with each lie produced and each burning touch.
The truth set me free but it was too late, I was already hooked on you and your little show of virtual feelings.
The masochism of my devotion so inevitable.
So I seek you out and gorge on the taste of your skin.
Oh yes... Keep feeding me with your passion and pretend love.
It hurts so good while I am in the high of your ecstasy, I never want to come down from that.

Let it burn baby, let it consume and clean the aftermath of my past engagements.
Let me consume all of you as well, all of your pain as if mine, let me lick your wounds and fester mine.
Let me tire you, exhaust you and take you to bliss along with me, I'll give you my blood to drink and allow you to claim my soul.
When we are bursting with pleasure, desire and lust,
we shall rise again, powerful, free within our hearts and reborn ready to take on the world side by side
As Lamia, as brethren, as one and as immortals.